Braeden Thomson '20 Graduates from Cornell University

Shoutout to Braeden Thomson '20. He recently graduated from Cornell University with a Bachelor of Science in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, concentrating in ocean science. He also majored in Environment and Sustainability with a concentration in Environmental Biology and Applied Ecology.

As an undergraduate, Braeden engaged in several lines of research with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. In Hawaii, he connected sound and spatial ecology in the Palila, helping to shape approaches for conserving this critically-endangered honeycreeper species. He also earned an honors distinction for completing a senior thesis on the oxidative physiology of black-throated blue warblers, a small songbird common to Eastern North America. In addition to research, Braeden was a teaching assistant for field ornithology and oceanography courses.

Braeden took a gap semester in spring 2022 to pursue some extra-scholastic endeavors. In March of that year, he traveled through Europe, volunteering at a refugee camp on the Ukrainian border. From April through mid-August he hiked from Georgia to Maine on the Appalachian Trail to raise money and awareness for the Ukrainian refugee crisis.

This summer, he's spending his time at Shoals Marine Lab in the Gulf of Maine deciding what area of research he wants to pursue in graduate school.

Way to go Braeden!

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