
Board of Trustees

Board of Trustee Leaders

Mr. Scott G. Kennedy 
Head of School & President

Mr. W. Taylor Franklin '00

Mr. Langbourne Williams  
Past Chairman 

Mr. Thomas Minton III '90 
Vice Chairman

Mr. Brian Clements
Mrs. Pamela E. Crenshaw '92 

2024-25 Members of the Board

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the welfare of the school and of our students and faculty.

The Board of Trustees establishes the school's mission, develops long range plans, formulates board policy and assesses the school's performance. Members also are responsible for raising money and for managing the school's assets to ensure that the school has adequate financial and physical resources to carry out its mission.
Mr. Bert "Burr" Henderson
Mr. Andy Castellano '92 
Mrs. Virginia C. Hitch '81
Ms. Meredith Larson
Mr. Thomas E. Mathas ’83
Mr. Greg Murphy '94
Mr. Andy Protogyrou '81
Mr. George Rector '01
Dr. Sharon Reed 
Mr. Andrew Schaubach '92 
Dr. Elizabeth Ruth Smith
Mrs. Trina Stewart
Ms. Katherine Taylor
Mr. Levi Thomson

Honorary Trustees

Mr. Stanley G. Barr Jr.
Mr. Gary Bonnewell
Mr. Benjamin G. Cottrell V *
Mr. Henry U. Harris III
Mr. William W. King *
Mr. Frederick V. Martin
Mrs. Betsy N. Mason
Mr. Ted A. Mathas '85
Mr. Richard D. Roberts
Dr. Ronald Stine

* Deceased

Middle/Upper School Campus

Lower School Campus